Become a Member

To join Equality Prince William fill out the form below and the mail your dues payment to:
Equality Prince William
P.O. Box 6983
Woodbridge, VA 22195-6983

You can also pay on line by clicking the donate button below:

You can also bring your check to the next Equality Prince William Meeting.

Prefer to print out your membership form? Click here to download a PDF version of the membership application.

Your Name (required)

Your email (required)

Phone (numbers only)

Mobile (numbers only)

Partner's Name

Partner's email

Partner's Phone (numbers only)

Partner's Mobile (numbers only)


I can assist EPW in the following ways (check all that apply):

Please clarify other:

Please select membership. Allied members are non-residents of Prince William County or the cities of Manassas and Manassas Park.


Equality Prince William maintains a strict policy of privacy. Equality Prince William membership and e-mail lists are only available to the Leadership Committee and other key volunteers with a valid need for such information. Equality Prince William will not sell or otherwise make our membership list available to any other group or party.